I'm updating already! I know. As I type this, it's been about three minutes since I last posted. I guess I figured out what to talk about.
In terms of "choosing your words wisely," I'd like to talk about the fact that this whole minding what you say should be a skill taught by parents. I know. I'm not a parent, so who am I to give advice? No, I'm not a parent. But I am a person! I am also a teacher, so I am with your kids more each day (Monday through Friday) than you are, so na-na-na-na-na.
One student, a few weeks ago, was giving me a lot of grief. I recently started at a new school, in a new district. I guess that is news to you too, since the last time I updated prior to today, I hadn't even graduated yet. Anyway, so a few students had been having a hard time with the changes. I started mid-year as a Special Education Teacher and the co-teacher I was with up and quit "effective immediately" in what seemed like minutes after I began. Apparently, she had been really unhappy as a teacher, but what kind of person just leaves students high and dry mid-year? You can't wait until June? Asshole.
Okay, moving on.
A few kids were not warming up to me but then when she left, it got so much worse. There was a teacher coming back, so they brought her in with me. Immediately, I was relieved, and this teacher was awesome! So I thought "this is going to be great!" Nope. These few kids were just rude. We spoke to their parents and were told basically "you are singling out my kid" or "no way they did that." No, we are totally making it up. How and why would that make sense? What would we get out of lying? These kids learn this kind of behavior and believe they can get away with it because their parents couldn't care less about parenting. News flash: If you are too busy to parent, you are too busy to BE a parent. There is adoption. You might have a sister or cousin who is longing to be a mommy or a daddy. Sign over your parental rights, because you are not doing it right. Now, I'm not saying all teachers are perfect. However, this cannot be the first time you have heard of this kind of behavior by your kid. So what are the odds that all of those teachers or coaches or babysitters were ALL wrong? Stop making excuses. Stop treating people like they don't matter.
Learn how to act. It literally takes a village to raise a child. Don't alienate those who are there to help. Now, we don't try to teach these kids manners or explain right and wrong to them because we are in fear of getting in trouble for doing our fucking jobs. How awesome is that? Ugh..